Proposed Actions

Cooper Landing Walkable Community Project

These actions are the goals identified in Our Plan which was adopted by ordinance into the Transportation Section of the Kenai Borough Comprehensive Plan.


Proposed Action 1.

Use old roadbed west of Sunrise as the start of the trail.

Just west of Sunrise Inn and Quartz Creek Rd. the existing Safety Path Leaves The Sterling Hwy and follows the Old Sterling Hwy roadbed.

This project originally envisioned a trail on or along the old roadway located on the north side of the Sterling Highway, above the existing roadway beginning at approximately MP 45.0).

As a part of the for the Sterling Highway MP 45-60 project a.k.a. the Bypass project, mitigation measures will provide “a separated roadside pathway on the south side of the highway between Quartz Creek Road and the intersection of the "old" highway.”  

MP 45 001.png

Proposed action 2.

Separated multi-purpose trail throughout Cooper Landing.

Serving the full Cooper Landing community from Milepost 45.0 to Milepost 53.2 (the Resurrection Pass Trailhead). This continuous trail would be separated from the roadway and serve pedestrians and cyclists by providing connectivity for the community.

It would use the existing dirt and gravel trail for most of its alignment, extending that to the east (north roadway mileposts) and west (south roadway mileposts). There are locations in developed portions of the community such as the Kenai River Bridge / Snug Harbor intersection and commercial areas that should have trails on both sides of the highway.


Proposed action 3.

Rock cut safety improvement and INTERPERETIVE Gateway.

One of the recognized safety issues is the portion of the highway Milepost 45.0 to 45.3 (west of Quartz Creek Rd. / Sunrise Inn intersection). Narrow to non-existent shoulders with deep drop-offs and rock walls that limit visibility leaves little room for error along this stretch of road. The widening of this section should focus on the potential for safety, but not encourage faster speeds. Rock removed from the steep sides could be used to create an interpretive pull-out and/or crushed for gravel to help in the grading of the bicycle/pedestrian side paths and improving the viewing opportunities on the lake side of the project. 


More of our proposed actions can be found in Our Plan.